Greater Pain/Greater Pleasure

life coaching Aug 06, 2020

Did you know that according to psychology there are only two main motivations that cause us to make decisions in life? Those are:

  1. To avoid pain
  2. To seek pleasure

That’s it; it’s either one or the other.

They are not talking, necessarily, about physical pain and pleasure, but more importantly about psychological pain and pleasure. The stronger instinct of the two is avoiding pain, so that is the driving force behind most of your decisions; especially when there is any possible life change involved.

So what types of decisions are we talking about here? And what type of pain is it that we are avoiding by making these decisions?

For example, you are unhappy at your job but the idea of looking for a new job sounds overwhelming. Overwhelm is pain so you stay in your uncomfortable comfort zone at your unsatisfying job. 

Or you want to get more sales in your business but that means putting yourself out there which makes you uncomfortable just thinking about it. Discomfort is pain, so you stay in your comfort zone, without climbing the ranks or reaching your sales goals.

There are a million examples in all areas of your life where you decide that going outside of your comfort zone will cause psychological pain in some way, so you stay there. You can remain there for the rest of your life and be ok. That’s right, just ok.

But the reality is that change occurs outside of your comfort zone. And if you could just work past that initial pain, what is lying just on the other side is immense pleasure. 

Using the same examples, let’s work through it together. You are unhappy at your current job. There are many directions that you could go depending on what your goals are, and in all cases there will be a period of discomfort. But imagine that you fight through that “painful” period. You do the work to look for a job and land something that you love. Or you finally start that business because you have really always wanted to go out on your own, and six months to a year later you are able to quit your 9-5. So the question that you must ask yourself is, how would I feel if I did have a job that I love? Or how would I feel if I had a successful business and can be my own boss? How would I feel in a year if I take that leap? And the flip side is, How will I feel one year from now if I don’t make that change?

The decision should always follow your pleasure. If you see yourself happy, living your dream life in a year or at least well on your way there, wouldn’t going through that moment of discomfort be worth it? Especially when the alternative is still being stuck in that miserable job in a year.

Once you have made that decision, come back to the present and put actions into place that will get you there.

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