Brainstorming Business Ideas

You might not know exactly what it looks like yet, but you do know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you want to start a business. For whatever reason, or maybe for a thousand reasons, you have always had the desire to go into business for yourself. Whether it is that you don’t fit into the corporate mold or that you want the flexibility to design your own days, you have your sites set on being a business owner. 

Let me make this clear from the very beginning:  Getting started is the absolute hardest part. It’s no wonder you haven’t done it yet. It is daunting, overwhelming, and just plain scary to start a business. 

What if you choose the wrong thing?

What if you fail?

What if your idea sucks?

What if...fill in the blank. I know you’ve got a million more.


The truth is, you will never know the answer to any of those what ifs. 

There is no answer.

It doesn’t exist. 

“What if” is something that may or may not...

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