Starting over can be so overwhelming that quite frankly, most of the time it never happens.
We justify NOT doing anything about it with a variety of excuses:
Our egos do an amazing job of keeping us right where we are. Their job is to keep us right there in the safety of our comfort zone, even though our comfort zone might have become quite uncomfortable.
Isn't it amazing how long we allow ourselves to stay uncomfortable? Why do we do that? For the most part it is:
Have you had an online course brewing in your brain for some time now? If you are overwhelmed with the idea of actually going from idea to product, start with Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. Breaking down a big task such as creating an online course really is the key to achieving your goal. I have broken the process down into 10 steps, from idea to execution including the very important part of sales and marketing your course.
In part 3 you will learn about some of those steps, post content creation, that are super important to the success of your online course. After all, what is the point of having one if users all over the world don't get to benefit from it!
Step 7 to Creating an Online Course - Pricing and Beta Testing
What are you going to charge? Checking out the competition is a great way to start as you are trying to pinpoint a price point. What are other people charging? How do their courses compare with yours in terms of what they are offering and promising? Who is...
In Part 1 of this series, we talked about how to get started in the process of creating your first online course. At this point in the process, you should have at least a first draft of your course content planned out. This includes a general outline broken down into modules each having their own title and content.
Now it is time to think about how you will deliver your content to your audience. What platform will you use, what medium you will use to deliver the content, and what supplemental materials will be available to your clients to help them master your course or topic.
Step 4 to Creating an Online Course - Creating Supplemental Material
Oftentimes there are supplemental materials to go along with a course. These come in a variety of different forms:
These materials can be supplementary reading or a way for people to do assignments between modules and put some of what you have been...
For as long as I can remember I dreamt of having a location independent business. I am a wanderlust at heart. I come by it honestly--my father has the same itch to travel and experience other cultures as do most of my siblings. My first experience with travel was when I graduated from college and purchased a one-way ticket to Europe. At the time my brother was studying printmaking in Italy, and my sister was teaching English in Hungary. After a few months of traveling around Europe and visiting them, my friend and I set up a home base in Prague where we lived for the next year and a half or so, taking the occasional trip including the time we hitchhiked from Prague to Barcelona.
I learned that one of my happy places is on the road. I also learned that travel provides an educational experience that is second to none. Perhaps it is this free spirit in me that pushes me towards entrepreneurship and the laptop lifestyle that would allow me to adventure as much as my heart desires....
I did the Pandemic Pivot. This is different from the Shelter Shuffle. The shelter shuffle is some fun my family and I had during lockdown, where I choreographed a dance and forced everyone to participate so that we could film and post for the enjoyment of our friends and family (ok, mostly my mom).
The Pandemic Pivot is a transformative change born from the Covid 19 crisis. Not all that came from this time was negative. There were a number of silver linings - more time with the family, less traffic, more creative solutions that made life work for business and family, and time to step back and reflect on what is important.
Because I had been laid off and my other (new) business of choreographing dances for quinceañeras was on hold due to lockdown, I took the opportunity to do something that I had wanted to do for as long as I could remember. I got certified in life and career coaching. Before taking that plunge, I had already been doing a lot of work on myself just...
You might not know exactly what it looks like yet, but you do know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you want to start a business. For whatever reason, or maybe for a thousand reasons, you have always had the desire to go into business for yourself. Whether it is that you don’t fit into the corporate mold or that you want the flexibility to design your own days, you have your sites set on being a business owner.
Let me make this clear from the very beginning: Getting started is the absolute hardest part. It’s no wonder you haven’t done it yet. It is daunting, overwhelming, and just plain scary to start a business.
What if you choose the wrong thing?
What if you fail?
What if your idea sucks?
What if...fill in the blank. I know you’ve got a million more.
The truth is, you will never know the answer to any of those what ifs.
There is no answer.
It doesn’t exist.
“What if” is something that may or may not...
Today I want to talk to you about 3 Tips to help you reduce stress and anxiety and just get you through the day. Especially now as the world is reopening; Covid restrictions are becoming a thing of the past. Schedules are starting to fill up, the streets are starting to fill up with traffic - all of these things are stressful and bring more stress and anxiety into our lives.
There are a few things that I do on a daily basis that might help you so I wanted to pass those along:
Think back on your life for just a second.
Think about all of the things in your past that have provided you with the most growth.
I guarantee it wasn't those times that you just went along with your normal day. And, listen, I know we need some normal days in life in order to stay sane but, if you're looking for growth, that is not where you'll find it.
You'll find growth in the trips you take. That time you went to Turkey and were faced, for really the first time ever, with people who went about life drastically differently than you did.
You'll find growth in the obvious places, like school and courses you take to further your education.
You'll find growth learning new skills, reading new books, and meeting new people.
You'll even find growth where it's not comfortable, like the unexpected loss of a loved one or an illness.
It's the uncomfortable part of growth that I want to talk about, and I don't necessarily mean that it always comes out of unfortunate...
Could it be true? Is the end actually in sight? With the vaccination roll-out moving right along and numbers, for the most part, trending in the right direction, many states are starting to fully open the economy. Before we know it, we will all be back to business as usual. Of course, it won’t be the old “usual.” It will be a new normal, which is partly why this is all so confusing.
Many have been back to work for some time. Others never stopped working, especially health care and essential workers, but soon everyone who is returning back to in-person work will be back in the office, for better or for worse. Some companies might continue offering remote opportunities, and I hope that many have learned new, and in some cases, better ways to find creative solutions that benefit both the company and the employees. If nothing else, we have become experts in shifting and adapting to new circumstances, so remember that and bring that new skill with you as you...
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